Thursday, June 7, 2012

4.6. - 6.6. - Nasca - Lima

4.6. - Nasca – Lima
We got up early and prepared us some take a way breakfast. At 7 we were at the bus terminal, as required, but had to wait until 8 for the bus to arrive. The bus was ok and we even got a snack. Then we had a lot of time on the panamericana to catch up with the blog. We arrived a bit late around 4 and there was a lot of traffic in Lima. We took a taxi to Miraflores where we wanted to check into the Morchilero hostal, but they unfortunately only had one private which was occupied. They were, however, very nice and helpful and helped us look for another hostel nearby. We ended up in one of the hostels also in our guide book, the Explorer's House. The owner, Eva, is really a nice relaxed woman and we had a lot of fun talking to her. There was a German girl I talked to for a while and then we soon went out for dinner. We went to a place kind of in the center of Miraflores and had lasagne and some kind of cheese balls. On our way back we bought some beer for the terrace in our hostel, but we were so tired that we went to bed early.

5.6. - Lima
We got up rather early and after breakfast Radka was still tired and went to bed again. So I did some planning of our trip and also researched flight options from Columbia. Unfortunately, quite expensive. At 2 pm we finally took a bus to the center and got off a bit too late, which actually wasn't too bad as we even were closer to the main square than we initially planned. The plaza was nice and so was our walk through the center. We again had the small eggs as a snack and we also bought some rolls and mortadella, a nice lunch. Then we had a quite expensive but very good Espresso at Starbucks and then took a taxi back to the hostel. In the hostel we did some more flight research while waiting for Arturo. Arturo we met earlier in El Chalten and now we wanted to meet again. He picked us up at the hostel around 8 pm and we took another taxi to Tanta, a great place to eat, a bit expensive though. It was nice to meet him again and we had some great food. I had the specialty, Lomo Saltado, which was great and also a Pisco Sour. After that we all had deserts which they presented on a trolley where we could choose. They all looked great, and every one we chose also was really great! For desert also his cousin came. After that we left and went home, as we were already very tired (and full) and Arturo had to visit his sister in the hospital. Back in the hostel we had one beer and went to bed.

6.6. - Lima
After breakfast, I took a bus to the anthropological and archeological museum. The museum was great and had a lot of very nice ceramics. They also had exhibits about the creation of the nation and independence. Then I had a coffee and did the rest of the exhibition. Radka was sleeping and skyping with her mother meanwhile. Then I took a bus to the Mali – the museo de arte Lima. There I met Radka at 2 pm. It was very small but nice. Then we had a coffee there and continued through the park in which the museum is located. We had to walk on passed the stadium before we reached another park with a water show. There we also had a small lunch, some grilled meat with potatoes and corn. We also had a piece of cake and a coffee. It got dark and the water show became even more kitsch with the colored light. Still it was nice to watch. Then we took a taxi back to the hostel where we had our last beer and were waiting for the laundry to be ready. At a quarter to 9 we got our laundry back fro the tienda close by. We rearranged our backpacks and got ready to leave. Eva helped us find a taxi and we said good bye. Soon after we arrived at the Cruz del Sur terminal, which is also like and Airport. We again had the luxury Cruzero Suite, which even has WiFi on board! :) I had time to write on the blog and upload it! :) We hope for a good night before we arrive in Trujillo tomorrow morning.

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