Wednesday, March 28, 2012

26.3. - 27.3. Two more fantastic days in Rio!

Yesterday we first took a bus to Copacabana and wandered along the beach. I also did a bit of body surfing which was nice except for the hard shore break which once hit me hard ... We then tried to find the Chill and Surf Camp, which is run by two brothers from Graz. We had a rough idea where it is and searched along a street going high up in the favelas. We found the camp and it was a funny feeling meeting the guys and talking about friends in Graz. We had lunch across the street of the camp and then went down and took a bus to Pao the Acucar, the sugar loaf. We invested the 26 euros to get up there by the nice cable car and it was defenitely worth it! Amazing view! It makes you realize what a beautifully located city Rio is! We spend enough time to also experience the nice night view form up there and had a caipirinha. :) After that we went home and had 2 beers while watching the pope visiting Cuba on TV

Today we wanted to join a CouchSurf event. At the bus stop we met a nice japanese guy who was helping us with the bus who later unfortunately failed to tell us where to change the bus. So we made a big detour and finally arrived at the meetingpoint one hour late. So we went to the botanical garden instead which was also very nice! After the garden we took a bus to the Corcovado train which brought us to the famous Christ statue. It is quite a long and steep ride and up there we had a spectacular view! We also saw a gay twin couple who was really very entertaining doing interviews with random people up there. We had a drink and went down. We had to queue for quite a while and so we went straight home from there. Straight meant 1 and a half hours on one bus in the rush hour ... At home we had a beer and now we soon will go to bed.


  1. What a fantastic trip you have planned!
    Have a nice trip and enjoy it!

  2. Hey Bernie!

    Enjoy Rio, man! I was there last year in august and it was quite nice. Just make sure you have no exposed cameras when (and if) you go to the old part.

  3. Thank you for your comments! Took a while to get back to those ... We do enjoy! And fortunately still have our cameras and other important stuff! :) Hope it stays this way! :)
