Saturday, March 31, 2012

28.3. - 30.3. Rio - Sao Paulo

We got up quite early as Fabio and Karina both got up at 6. We said good bye, had breakfast and tidied up the place. We left some toilet paper and coffee to replace some more than we had used. We took a bus to the main busterminal Rodavaria and bought tickets for half an hour later. we left around noon and it was a nice journey. Really nice mountaneous landscapes and fields of termite hills. Some times it was also raining a lot. We arrived in Sao Paulo a bit past 18h and bought tickets to move on to Blumenau on the 30th. It is a night bus and we were again amazed how expensive the tickets are. We paid more than 55 Euro pp for a 9h ride. Generally we are still a bit shocked how expensive Brazil is. In the supermarket most things are more expensive than in Austria.
We took the Metro for ten stops south and from there it only took a 5 min. walk to the hostel we had booked the day before. In the hoster were some really nice people and we had some beer with Gerry and Helena from Galway, Irelad and  Borja and Guillermo from San Sebastian, Spain. We had a lot of fun and went to bed around midnight.

The breakfast which was included was really nice! Considdering the high price of the hostel at least something. It was actually the most expensive hostel we ever stayed. 46 Euro for a basic double with shared bathroom. We took the metro to the center and walked around. It took us some time to find the Edeficio Banespa tower because the map in the Rough Guide was wrong. There, we had to queue for 30 min. to get to the observatory, where only 5 people at a time are allowed, but it was for free and a really nice view! Again we had been lucky with the weather. After that we went to the famous mercado municipal and also had lunch there. Radka had some simple but very good pasta for 12,5 Euro! I took one of the famous and enourmous MOrtadella sandwiches. We then went cross the centro to the theater and on to Praca da Republica. There we went up the Italian tower Edificio Italia and were again lucky, because we just arrived at the beginning of the 3pm-4pm period where it is open for the public, otherwise you have to consume in the restaurant which is very expensive. The view was really nice again and this time with out the 5 min. timelimit. We thn even wanted to taka a coffee u there, but they closed because of a model photoshooting. SO we looked for a cafe at the bottom and finally found a nice place. The coffe did not help much so we went back to the hostel, it was alredy getting late anyways. We then wanted to have a beer withthe others but the reception was in it's 1h evening break and so we went to the supermarket to buy it ourselves. We had a lot of beer and later had to switch to the hostels beer again. IN the early stage of the evening a few girls from university came to us because they were doing a survey about hostels in Brazil. As most of us had no other experience exept for the one we were currently staying in, they were not very happy. Meanwhile also Chris from England and a french guy had joined the gang. They were aready pretty drunk and we were getting ther too. After the boss of the hostel came down the second time, because we were too loud in his view, we and Gerry "hit the hay" and Borja, Chris and the french guy went out to a bar.

Again a good start with a nice breakfast. After that we checked out and left the big backpacks there. We went to a park 30 min. walk from there. It was really nice! There was a concert hall by the architect Oscar Niemeyer which is really cool and near by the museum of modern art. It is surrounded by nice sculptures and there is a UFO-like building right next to it. The nuseum was for free and displayed photography. I prefered the exhibition of the older photographs by German Lorca, some of the very modern and recent photos of Tillman were also nice. As we were hungry we had a burger menue in some local fast food (7,5 Euro each!) and went on - via a huge detour - to the Afro-Brazil museum. It was also quite nice and showed African culture and the issue of slvery. After the museum, which was big, we walked for some more and watched some really cool fountains (Wasserspiele). We wathed it for at least half an hour and it didn't repeat. We then took a bus to the metro and  went to Liberdade district, where mostly japanese immigrants are living. We went to a japanese restaurant and had some really nice food. After that we went back to the hostel and packed our stuff. We fianlly said good bye to everyone who was still there and took the metro to the Rodaviaria. I tried to find a supermarked outside but was not lucky. So I had to buy a small bottle of water and coke for 3,5 Euro! at 20:45 we left and now are stuck since 1 hour in a traffic jam.

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